
“If then you do not make yourself one with God,
you cannot apprehend what God truly is;
for like is known by like.

Let go of all that binds you to your physical body and senses,
and expand your awareness to aligned with 
the ineffable greatness that is beyond all measure;
expand beyond all time and become eternal;
then you can apprehend God. 

Imagine in this moment that nothing is impossible;
that you too are immortal,
and that you are able to grasp all things in your awareness,
to know every craft and science;
find your home in the heart of every living creature;
make yourself higher than all heights
and lower than all depths.

Bring together in yourself all opposites of quality,
heat and cold, dryness and fluidity.

Imagine yourself everywhere at once,
on land, at sea, in heaven;
Imagine that you have not yet been born,
that you are in the womb,
that you are young,
that you are old,
that you have died,
that you are in the world beyond the grave.

 Imagine in your mind all of this at once,
all times and places,
all substances and qualities and magnitudes together; 
then you can apprehend God.

However, if you limit your eternal soul
to be merely your finite body,
and abase yourself, and say
“I know nothing, I can do nothing; 
I am afraid of the earth and sea, 
I cannot ascend to heaven;
I know not what I was, nor what I shall be,”
then how can you become one with God?”

Hermes Trismegistus